Monday, November 22, 2021

The Enemy of the People

On Friday, we learned that Kyle Rittenhouse had been acquitted on all charges relating to the three people he shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.  In the run up to every shooting Kyle was running away, pursued, and then attacked, by the person he went on to shoot. He did not shoot anyone who was not attacking him at that precise moment. All of this was captured on video and confirmed by every witness. This was as clear a case of self defence as you will ever see. However, this is not the impression you would have got from watching the mainstream media. 


Their consistent and clear narrative was that Kyle was a white supremacist (false), militia member (false), who traveled across state lines (false and irrelevant), carrying an illegal weapon (false) with the intention of hunting people who were only there to demonstrate peacefully for the safety and dignity of black lives (false).


After the true and just verdict, they ran with the narrative that this was an example of white privilege and the unequal justice system in America. That if a black man had acted in lawful self defence, as Kyle did, he would have been convicted of murder, or more likely just shot dead by police in the street. This is absurd. Every element of their narrative is demonstrably false, but they ran with it anyway. They are not negligently dishonest, they are fraudulently dishonest.  A white man shooting three white and Jewish men in self defence has nothing to do with race or with black people. But the media made it all about race, and look what happened. This happened. 



A black man, with ties to the Black Lives Matter movement, drove an SUV through a small town Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, containing High School marching bands and groups such as the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies. Five people are dead so far. Around forty are injured, some seriously.


In this age of all too frequent atrocities it is easy to become hardened to it all. Most terrorist outrages barely even register anymore. But, like the Berlin Christmas market truck attack in 2016, there is something about this slaughter that has really struck a chord. Christmas is a time of wholesomeness and decency. A time when we try to be the best version of ourselves. It is the setting of so many of our most treasured memories. It goes right to the heart of the European psyche and soul. An attack on Christmas is an attack on our very essence. 

I do not hate the man who committed this attack. He was a gullible fool, a useful idiot, an empty headed simpleton, who carried out his subliminal programming. He is not capable of the manifest evil of the people who really caused this with their abominable lies. The people who programmed him. The kind of people who have little regard for Christmas, or the sacred customs of the country in which they live, and see an attack on them as an ironic joke. 



And how do the media liars who caused this carnage face up to it? How do they account for the death and devastation they have caused? They bury it on page A-22. You may have to click to enlarge to even see the headline. It is right at the bottom in tiny font. Clearly far less important to the staff of the New York Times than the lead story about Israel.

These are the same people whose lies about Mike Brown having said "hands up don't shoot" led to weeks of violent riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The same people whose lies about the circumstances of the shooting of Breonna Taylor, who was caught in the crossfire after her drug dealer boyfriend opened fire on police during a raid, led to violent riots in Kentucky last year. The same people whose lies about the shooting of Jacob Blake, an armed black man shot by police in the act of attempting to escape arrest, caused the Kenosha riots which were the scene of the  Rittenhouse case. The same people who turned the death of George Floyd, in which there was not even an allegation of a racial motive, into the greatest race hate crime of the century causing months of riots, billions of dollars of property damage, and dozens of deaths.


The Father of Lies

These are people who maliciously foment strife and mayhem for their own profit and political advantage. These are the people who really do incite racial hatred, and do so to an audience of millions, in exchange for a seven figure salary. These are the people who instigate mob violence to pervert the judicial and political processes, who intimidate jurors, who dox and smear their opponents, who make the ancient Anglo Saxon values of fairness and impartiality near impossible in the modern age. The media. The children of the father of lies. These people are an unspeakable evil and I hate them with a burning passion. They are, the enemy of the people.