During the 2016 US Presidential election some wag produced spoof Hillary campaign ads claiming that she wanted to "draft our daughters". At the time this idea was considered patently absurd. Ricky Vaughan, a popular pro Trump twitter account which is now banned, is currently being prosecuted by the Department of Justice for "election intrerference" for, among other things, spreading the draft our daughters meme. Presumably because such a proposal would be so unpopular it could have swayed voters against Hillary.
Of course, as we all know, you can't spoof clown world. What was created as a silly and amusing meme a mere five years ago is close to becoming law. All American men between 18 and 26 are required by law to register with the Selective Service System. This is the list of names from which draftees are selected should the government order conscription.
There is currently legislation before Congress which would require women to register with the Selective Service System and be eligible for any future draft. The justification for this legislation is that requiring men, but not women, to register from the draft amounts to discrimination on the basis of sex and is therefore unconstitutional. In the politics of the current year this seems inarguable and the bill appears likely to pass.
In the event that it does not pass, this would effectively nullify any future draft. Now that anyone can change their legal sex at will, if any future draft applied only to men, any man who wished to evade it could do so simply by claiming that he believed he was a woman. As transgenderism is accepted on the basis of mere self declaration, there would be no way to defeat such a claim. While this is currently being pushed in the USA, the same logic applies to any Western nation which accepts transgender ideology, which is basically all of them.
So we have a position whereby either women are subject to the draft, or any man could avoid the draft at will. You might think "What is the harm in subjecting women to the draft? There are plenty of jobs they can do which wouldn't involve front line combat". However, the same logic would apply. Any man who would prefer not to risk life and limb dodging bullets on the front line could earn himself a cushy, low risk, deployment serving in the kitchens or the stores simply by declaring that he felt a bit feminine all of a sudden. Either women are put into front line combat or any man could avoid front line combat at will.
Of course the overwhelming majority of women do not want to be drafted, far less be sent into front line combat, and all but the most crackpot of SJWs understand that women are physically weaker and more emotional than men making them less suited to military service. However, under the current paradigm, if the military does not go fully co-ed across all areas of operation it will be unable to compel fighting age men into combat in time of national emergency. In either case the military will be catastrophically weakened.
We are now at the point where subversive left wing ideology is doing real and recognisable harm to America's ability to defend itself and its allies. This is not by accident, it is by design. The Marxists never pushed this destructive nonsense on the Soviet Union. They do not push it on China and North Korea today. They want those nations to survive. The want America to perish.
America foolishly welcomed the Marxists into its bosom during and after World War II. They went on to take over its universities and mass media and are now close to using the various societal poisons they have cooked up to achieve their ultimate goal of destroying the host who they have despised from the outset. Destroying the military is but one small front in this all out civilisational assault. There are many others.