Friday, November 12, 2021

Morgoth Guest Video: Paradise Lost and the Birth of the Left

I must apologise for shamelessly ripping off Morgoth's content for the second week in a row. It was not my intention to do so. However, this thought provoking piece really caught my attention. It is the most interesting thing I have seen in quite some time and it is certainly better than anything I could have come up with this week. I believe it merits thorough consideration and thoughtful discussion by the best comment section on the right side of the internet. Please watch this video as I would very much like to hear everyone's opinions on it before we go off on our usual tangents to discuss everything under the sun.


As I am pilfering Morgoth's content yet again I think it is only fair that I should ask you to like this video on YouTube and subscribe to his channel if you haven't already done so. If you feel inclined to give him at tip for all his sterling work you can do so at