Saturday, October 16, 2021

Welcome To The Crow's Nest


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Crow's Nest. My intention in creating this site was to provide a refuge for the former patrons of Morgoth's Review which, in its day, was the one of the liveliest, funniest, and best informed comment sections on the internet. The only comment section to get its own mention in Hope Not Hate's annual "State of Hate" report.


I intend to write the occasional article myself, and also post links to videos, news stories, and other things which I find interesting or amusing, at least once per week, in the hope of prompting discussion. This site is all about about the comments, not listening to me.  I invite, and actively encourage, contributions from others. If you are going to write a 10 paragraph effort post, don't let it be buried in the comments. Send it to me to be a main post and get the prominence it deserves.

I am close to being a free speech absolutist, so no words or topics are forbidden. I leave it up to you to behave as the responsible adults that you are. If you live in a country where free speech is under threat, choose your words carefully or hide your identity. It is up to you to ensure your own safety online. However, I would say that strong language is most effective when used sparingly, and any comments which promote illegality will, of course be removed. Being free to speak your mind should not be taken as an invitation to wanton vulgarity. I want this blog to be as frothy and lively as our former home was, and I intend to run it in the same manner. Please do not turn it into a sewer. 


An especially warm welcome to those of you who may have stumbled across this blog and not be familiar with the rich and varied cast of characters you will meet. This site is right of centre, socially conservative, and nationalist in nature. You will encounter well informed debate on many topics conventionally considered taboo. You will also find a home among like minded souls trying to make sense of the madness of the current world and laugh at the absurdity that is all around us. If we cannot save western civilisation, we can at least try to derive some amusement and camaraderie from the situation in which we find ourselves. 


It is getting harder and harder to find a place to talk openly, with good humour and honesty,  without fear of censorship or censure. If this site fulfills that role it will have served its purpose.  


Onwards and upwards my friends!